2013年11月16日 星期六

IELTS writing practice 001

001. Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid
most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organisations would better concentrate on people in their own country instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  Whether charities should give aid to local people or not is widely discussed, some people would cast doubt on it, however, I totally agree that charity organization should pay more attention on local people than focus on all over the world for the following reasons.

  To begin, the more local charity took responsibility to their local, the less local problem will exist. In other word, when every country take good care of their nations, the world problem will be easier to solve. For example, Zhi-ji as a famous charity in Taiwan focus on building hospital, helping government to deal with healing poor cancer patients. Instead of cast eyes on far away issues, the behavior Zhi-ji did pleased lots of family in Taiwan, saving their life from heartbroken by giving the nearest help.

 Second, only the local organisation knows the most directly way to solve the local problem. That's is, although disaster happened and every country try to give hand to help, only the local people knows what are really needed. Take fukushima nuclear exploded for example, who is the one really get into the poison area? The local organisation. Who is the one really clean up the mass? The local organisation. 
 In sum, as far as I am concerned, I think the charities should better focus on people in their own country. After fixed the local problem, the charity can turn to focus on world issues.

