2014年3月24日 星期一

Case study: TOYOTA: the once-in-a-century challenge

GS 準備case study答案
RM 念題目
SDIFM 巴西資料及其他
PPD 看完兩種報告差異分派工作
CLFM 討論報告做完報告
D 最後填補(vidio)
CLB 問題目

1937 start focus on cost-efficient
         adapting the Ford production system to Toyota Production System TPS
1950 start globalization
1957 enter US market
1959 factory at brazil
1963 WW2
         first lose global financial crisis
         focus on small size car
         enter EU market
1966 Corolla japan most popular family car
1970 rapid expansion
         behind GE and Ford
         enter middle east market
1974 Corolla became the largest selling car
1980 behind GE/ build Lexus
1990 Hiroshi Okuda focus on international expansion and localization of production and dealership network and increased advertising (sale up)
1994 1.22mi oversea production sale
1997 Prius gasoline-electric car up當時的業界認為,推出「環保汽車」的時間尚早,結果先拔頭籌取得成功。
1998 1.54mi oversea production sale
1999 Fujio Cho- the toyota way (Kaizen,PDCA,mistake-proofing, Just in time)yaris up碰巧日本進入長期衰退狀態,正是推出小型汽車的好時機,結果豐田亦在這一部份的市場大量發展。
2000 US&JP sale up 5 mi
2001 EU
2006 pickup tundra lost GM and Ford had build bigger vehicles with bigger engines and bigger profits
2007 blooming sale
         replace GE
         toyota was valued at almost 12 times GM's value

2008 financial crisis
         high gas prices
         US&EU stop buying new car
         decrease4% after WW2 the first decrease
         Prius became popular due to the increase on gas prices.
2009 Akio  Toyoda decrease 32.3% (sale number still bigger than GE)
         lose 5 mi
         applid an emergency loan of about US 2bi
         *the selection of a member of the founding family as president might lead to disunity within the company

2010 Quality problem cus large lost 14%
2012 increase 23%

Primary Market


2010 solution
1. cut 74 global line
2. laid off temporary workers in japan
3. cut pay for its managers
not shut down factories but put new plan in it

